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Sunday, February 9, 2025: East Zion Annual Meeting 10 am, Worship at 11 am followed by a NOON POTLUCK!

East Zion Cemetery Association Meeting will follow Potluck on Feb. 9

Our History

Zion's congretation was organized "I Jesu Navn" ('In Jesus' Name' in Norwegian) on November 22, 1871 in the log schoolhouse which once stood near the current East Zion Cemetery shed.

Pastor Peter Reque was called as the first minister.  According to his diary, he was already serving Nora, Inherred, Lake Johanna, Chippewa Falls and Stevens County, Douglas Station and had made visits to each settlement earlier in the month of November, 1871.

Forty nine men and one woman were listed as charter members.  In 1883,  to better serve the growing number of pioneer families in the area,  Zion congregation elected to become East Zion and West Zion congregations. They remain "sister" congregations and have more recently affilited with Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church in Swift Falls, MN

Learn what we do, what's coming next, and about our long history here!
